Which method of viewing music should I use?Score Exchange has two methods to display previews of music: seView which uses regular html and javascipt and the Scorch plug-in from Avid which needs to be downloaded and installed onto your computer. Both have advantages and disadvantages: seViewseView, is the most compatible option. You should be able to view music on all modern web browsers including most mobile devices. Even if your device does not support javascript you should still be able to preview at least page one of the music.You do not need to install any additional software to use seView. ScorchScorch is a free plug-in from Avid for displaying and printing music. It can also play the music that you're seeing. As modern web browsers are updated, Scorch is no longer compatible with many browsers.
Scorch has never been compatible with mobile devices and some web browsers on Mac computers.If your web browser does not install Scorch automatically, you can. Static previewThe static preview shows a basic image of the first page. Interactive previewThe interactive preview also shows a preview of the first page, but it's a bit slower to load.
The preview is displayed using the Sibelius Cloud Publishing technology from Avid. With most scores, this technology will provide a higher quality preview, as well as being able to switch to full screen mode and also play the displayed music to you. Printing after purchaseAfter you have purchased this item the Cloud Publishing technology is utilised to provide the printing mechanism for the music. As such, we recommend checking that the Interactive Preview displays correctly on your device before committing to a purchase.