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Portal Test Chamber 11

카테고리 없음

by istalara1989 2020. 2. 10. 17:03



This will be the first test chamber in Enhancement's 'underground' Portal 1 Track - WIP. Hello guest register or sign in. Test Chamber 11 Destroyed WIP - 'Underground' image - Portal 2: Aperture Enhancement mod for Portal 2. Several hundred years after Portal 2 co-op, GLaDOS is working her way through the Test Subjects from the. Portal Guide: Test Chamber 11 This is part of a series of videos I'm uploading that will become a guide for.

There is a laser, and a laser redirection cube, but you can't reach it yet.First, create a portal on the checkered floor near the angled wall withthe green target on it.Make a portal on the piece of floor that thelight funnel is flowing into. Stand on the checkered floor wherethe funnel should now be coming out from.When you reach the ceiling, look down at the portal below you andmake a portal of the other color on the angled wall with the targeton it nearby. You will be thrown over to a frankencube.

Pick up thecube and take it down to where the laser is shining. Put it in thepath of the laser to stop the funnel.Use portals to get back up to the upper area.

Portal Test Chamber 13

Portal 2 community test chambers

Portal How To Beat Test Chamber 11

Put a portal on theangled wall with the target on it, then go over and put a portal ofthe other color on the angled wall near the Wheatley monitor.Get on the catapult in the upper area and you should be thrownthrough the portals to the laser redirection cube. Pick it up and takeit to the lower area. Put it in the path of the laser to make itshine at a white wall. Now make a portal down here and another in the upper area, then takethe frankencube through. Put it down on the checkered floor below thebig red button on the ceiling.Put a portal where you made the laser shine using the laser redirectioncube. Put a portal of the other color on the wall across from thelaser receiver near the two platforms near the exit door.

Get on the platformthat comes down.Now move the portals to make the laser stop shining into the receiver.Your platform will go up. Now use a portal under the laser redirectioncube so it no longer blocks the laser that activates the funnel. Put a portalunder the funnel, then another on the floor where you put the frankencubeunder the big red button on the ceiling.When the platform lowers,step onto it, then move the portals so the frankencube is no longerpushing the big red button. This raises your platform so you can reach theexit door.